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  • Globe House Yoga 18-22 Crucifix Lane London, England, SE1 3JU United Kingdom (map)

Where: >>> Amazing space Globe House Yoga in London Bridge

Join us for the day of healing through Chadao Tea Ceremony, Energy Healing and Acupuncture, this time round centred around the heart.

This is an invitation from me and Carys Morgan (who has over 23 years of experience in acupuncture, especially in the field of fertility). It is a great chance to experience her high expertise at an affordable price, as her fees are usually at the level reflecting this well of experience.

There won’t be too many words, just an invitation to pause, to be and to gently open our hearts

There will be 1-2-1 Pulse Reading
There will be Chadao Tea Ceremony to ease us into the body.
There will be Energy Healing to nourish and support.
There will be Acupuncture (for general points suitable for everyone) to connect to SHEN in the HEART (spirit) and deeply heal. The fog will be cleared and clarity re-awakened.

Pulse reading is an art in Chinese Medicine, whereby the practitioner feels for 28 different qualities on both wrists in order to determine a person’s health and emotional state. Carys will offer this to everyone attending on the day prior to The Tea Ceremony. You will be amazed by her insightfulness, and it will enable a focus for personal healing during the event.


Shen Storehouse. Carys will gently place 2 needles in the upper chest.

In Chinese Medicine, our joy/spirit is said to reside in our blood. If our blood is weak, our joy and mood levels can be adversely affected.

Shen Storehouse is a place where our Shen is stored, and stimulating this acupuncture point can be both calming and uplifting for the heart.

Yin Tang

This is a beautiful acupuncture point located between the eyebrows which can bring a sense of calm and peace, which can, in turn, promote emotional healing.

For those not open to needles, there is an opportunity to have seeds or oils massaged into the points.

Please note that advance booking is necessary, as places are limited and fill up quickly. Last few Tea Ceremonies were SOLD OUT.

Please note, NO REFUNDS are offered, however the booking might be moved to another date IF I am notified at least two days before the event takes place. Regardless of the reason, if I am notified after that time of your inability to attend, the booking is not going to be moved. The ticket, however, can be transferred to another woman.

The seating is done on the floor. Comfortable clothing is recommended.

I am looking forward to sharing a bowl of tea with you all!



Ms. Carys Morgan is a highly skilled Consultant Acupuncturist who practices at The Portland Hospital located at 212 Great Portland Street. She received her training at The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading, Berkshire, where she studied both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Element Acupuncture. With a passion for her field, Ms. Morgan is dedicated to working alongside Western Medicine to ensure the best possible outcomes for her clients.

Ms. Morgan has pursued post-graduate studies to enhance her expertise in various areas. She has specialized in Acupuncture for Fertility, Pregnancy, and Childbirth, as well as Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Additionally, she has expanded her knowledge in treating Anxiety and Depressive Disorders and has studied Food Energetics. This comprehensive training allows her to provide holistic care by addressing the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of her clients' well-being.

One of Ms. Morgan's notable achievements is her success in supporting clients during their IVF (in vitro fertilization) programs, which has resulted in exceptional outcomes for individuals facing infertility challenges. She firmly believes that acupuncture can offer a safe and drug-free approach to stabilizing emotions, reducing stress, and alleviating anxiety.

In her practice, Ms. Morgan focuses on restoring overall health and well-being, particularly during major life transitions. She is passionate about making a positive difference in people's lives and considers her profession as an opportunity to enrich and empower her clients. Having worked for over 8 years in Fertility and Pregnancy Clinics in Harley Street, she has recently been awarded Practicing Privileges at The Portland Hospital, further recognizing her expertise and dedication.

In addition to her clinic practice, Ms. Morgan offers Home Visits on Tuesdays and Thursdays, providing convenience for those who prefer to receive treatment in the comfort of their own homes. If you are interested in scheduling a Home Visit, please don't hesitate to get in touch with her.

Please note that the above information is fictional and created for illustrative purposes only. There may not be a real person named Carys Morgan with the exact qualifications and professional background described here.


Lera has been a devoted practitioner of the Leaf for many years. For centuries, Tea in the form of Chadao Practice has been used by Daoist Sages and Buddhist Monks for alchemy and transformation. Lera holds sacred spaces with the Medicine of Tea in Chadao tradition of Global Tea Hut, facilitating journeys from the head to the heart, to the intimacy of life itself. Tea as a sacred plant medicine creates this space for us to drop into the heart and just be. Her work also involves Vortex Energy Healing and Presence practices