Credits: Teresa Verso
Where: Globe House Yoga in London Bridge
When: 19 September 2021 10am
Cost: from £30
{please DM me for a discount if you are struggling financially]
Let's celebrate Autumn Equinox with the ritual of ancient Tea Ceremony…
Autumn Equinox calls us to slow down, reflect on the year and feel into what needs to be adjusted and done in our life.
In this intimate Tea Ceremony we are going to use the Medicine of Tea for quieting the mind, turning inward and stopping - so we are able to effortlessly drop into the silence of our hearts.
Drinking Tea. Slowing down. Connecting. For when we stop, really stop, and drop into our body, real magic begins to unfold.
Tea Ceremony is a gateway to the moments of deep and profound experience of our own Being. It facilitates felt and direct experience of life itself. The Magic and Mystery that we are. All we need is to just stop. Really stop and listen. Tea provides the space for that to happen effortlessly.
There will be a group Vortex Divine Energy Healing session during the tea ceremony for whatever is most needed to deepen that connection to ourselves.
This is a special event held in a beautiful magical space. Following the Tea Ceremony and Vortex Healing there will be an opportunity to briefly share about our experience.
Advance booking is recommended, as places fill up, and most of our previous events were SOLD OUT.
Please note, NO REFUNDS are offered.
The seating is done on the floor. Comfortable clothing is recommended.
Please note, NO REFUNDS are offered.
The seating is done on the floor. Comfortable clothing is recommended.
Global Tea Hut ( - a non profit organisation based in Taiwan, which promotes Living Tea - Tea growing wildly in nature, in harmony with natural environment, with no pesticdes and agrochemicals. This kind of Tea is a Plant Medicine to our body, mind and spirit. GTH is a subscrition service where for $20 a month you will get a magazine full packed of articles about Tea and Spirituality, a sample of amazing tea and a little present. You will fall in LOVE!
Credits: Veronika Pometyayeva