Tea Events this week in London 30 March - 5 April


There are quite a few good ones this week, so don’t miss your chance and join them if you can! 1. Tuesday, 31 March at 18.30 in Greenwich – Tea and Cheese Tasting with Whittington’s Tea Emporium. £20

I went there in November and even now, at the memory of all those delicious combinations of amazing cheeses and teas, I almost faint from taste bud pleasure… Only 3 places left, so if you would like to join them this month, do not hesitate any longer! I also reviewed this event previously in one of my posts, please check it out!

2. Tuesday, 31 March, at 19.30 in Central London, just off Regent street – Tea Masterclass with Lalani!

It costs £25, but you take home with you the whole jar of Lalani’s Assam Tea, which they sell for £10. Amazing Value!

3. Wednesday, 1 April, at 20.00 in Covent Garden – Tea Ceremony and Gong Bath. £18

My favourite tea fairy Kat Bambul is conducting yet another magical journey into tea and gongs. Not to be missed!

That’s what she writes about the tea ceremony herself: “Gong Fu Tea Ceremony is a beautiful and meditative ritual of preparing and drinking tea, taking it’s roots from Dao and Zen Buddhist traditions where tea is considered as a spiritual drink. We drink loose leaf tea from the old, naturally growing trees in the wild, rich in substances affecting our consciousness and the body. High quality tea induces a deep meditative state, philosophical and creative mindset, a feeling of contentment, freedom and openness to the mystical. During the ceremony we appreciate the beauty of here & now, indulge all our senses and contemplate on tea, it’s setting, ourselves and our connection with nature. We connect with the spirit of the tea, and let ourselves flow in a timeless zone between heaven and earth.”

4. Saturday, 4 April, at 10am – Postcard Teas School - Introduction to Tea – Teas from India, Sri Lanka, Japan, and China£20ADAVNCED BOOKING is ESSENTIAL!

Every Saturday between 10-11am, they will host a relaxed one-hour tasting of teas from areas he has visited complete with illustrated tasting notes.


PS. Photo is taken from Lalani's web-site